About me
Ognyan Stefanov’s rich experience in aviation photography along with his eccentric style has led him to the top, organizing and conducting both military and civil projects.

Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1980, Ognyan Stefanov graduated National Academy for Theater and Film Art - Sofia, Bulgaria in 2007 with a BA degree in Art and Applied Photography. During mid-2006 he started his aviation photo career as a freelancer and soon afterwards joined the AirTeamImages, and later Pixstel aviation photography agencies. Since then his work has been published in number of magazines such as Aircraft Illustrated, Airliner World, HeliOps and many more. In the beginning of 2008 he started a full-time job as an aviation photojournalist at Club Wings magazine, the only Bulgarian aviation magazine at that time. Since the autumn of 2010 he is the current, exclusive and official photographer of the Bulgarian Air Force.

Stefanov's work was shown in a number of exhibitions, lots of photo albums and countless calendars of the Bulgarian Air Force. He also won several prizes in Aviation Week & Space Technology, and Vertical Magazine photo contests, and many more awards in variety of photography competitions, mainly associated with aviation images.
His work was used by many companies such as: Boeing, Alenia Aeronautica, Lufthansa, Easy Jet, Volga-Dnepr Airlines, Qatar Airways, Goodrich, Exel Composites, Avicos, Logmat, Ukrainian Research Institute of Aviation Technology, PK Air, Chapman Freeborn, etc.
His photos has been published in many aviation magazines and sites, such as Aircraft Illustrated, J-Wings, Air International, Aerospace Publishing, J-Wings, Loop, Air & Cosmos, HeliOps, Lotnictwo, Blades, Bulgarian Army, Club Wings, Aero (Bulgarian), theaviationist.com, and National Geographic, etc.

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